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Troubleshoot ROAD Scheduling

Sometimes, ROAD Scheduling will not behave as expected. More often than not, this is because of a misconfiguration!

On this page, we will walk you through some the most encountered cases of misconfiguration, and how you can resolve it.

Error messages when starting the client

Errors with the Settings.json

If you encounter the following message:

There is no valid settings.json found - please check your files in web server directory


You probably missed a step in the configuration process!

Please check the Configure the ROAD Scheduling settings page, and make sure that:

  • The file settings.json is present and readable for the web server process
  • the DPE URL and formats list are correctly configured

Connection errors with DPE

If you encounter the following message:

Failed to connect to DPE
The DPE Token is missing. Please access ROAD Scheduling through the Content Manager menu to be authenticated.


In order to work properly, ROAD Scheduling needs to be launched from DPE for the authentication mechanism to succeed.

Please refer to Configure DPE Parameters for ROAD Scheduling for more on this.

Connection error with ROAD

If you encounter one of the following messages:

The currently configured default ROAD Service is unreachable - Please select a valid ROAD Service and consider changing your default ROAD Service on DPE Parameters

Connecting to https://my-road-service:11005 failed! Please make sur the ROAD Service is running and accessible, and try again.


Is ROAD Service running?

Make sure the ROAD Service is currently running and accessible.

Change ROAD Service

If the ROAD Service you are connecting to is often unavailable, consider changing your default ROAD Service. More information on the Configure DPE Parameters for ROAD Scheduling page.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.