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InstaRecorder is a client for making interactive recordings with the ROAD backend. It supports especially these use cases:

  • Control recordings from a browser-based user interface
  • Record into a DigaSystem table
  • A recording title can be assigned and changed before and during recording
  • Several independent recordings from different sources at the same time
  • Setting and changing markers while recording is running
  • Recording's start and stop can be triggered by a button click or via automatic trigger
  • Recordings can be paused
  • Running recordings can be split, this will create a new database entry
  • Source monitoring (prelisten control) of the selected audio input directly inside the InstaRecorder UI

InstaRecorder Areas


Recording source

Selection for the input device and recording channels (CH...) 

Table, metadata

DigaSystem table and title for the next recording. During recording it is possible to change/update the title.

Monitor, Effects

To monitor the live input audio, post-fader (but without effects)

Effects can also be applied to the recording (a backup raw audio file will also be saved by default)

See more about Effects and how to configure them.

Faders, levels, automatic triggers

To adjust the input gain for your recordings and the trigger level for "level triggered recordings". 
The monitor switch enables prelisten of the defined audio source directly within the browser. 

The auto triggers allow an armed recording to be started when a signal level is exceeded and to be stopped when a (lower) signal level is deceeded.

The "Automatic Triggers" popup allows to configure the detailed options for start and stop triggers.

  • Start trigger and duration: Signal value to be exceeded over given duration to trigger start of recording
  • Stop trigger and duration: Signal value to be deceeded over given duration to trigger stop of recording
  • Stop handling: Action to be processed with automatic stop: Choose one of "Pause", "Finish" or "Pause+Switch output file"

Control buttons

Every ROAD recorder can be used for spontaneous recordings and for level triggered recordings.

Level triggered recordings - start

A "level triggered recording" is prepared if the "Trigger"'s start fader is not set to -∞ (infinite). This is also indicated by an "Automatic mode" symbol on the red record button.
By clicking on the red Record button, the level meter will show the input modulation. At this point it is also possible to activate the "Monitor" switch to listen to the audio source.

The fader control cares for a minimum distance between start and stop trigger value. Use the shift key on keyboard to move only start or stop trigger fader.

Now you can click on the "Play" button to activate the auto start. As soon as the defined level is exceeded for the defined duration, the recording starts.
In some situations you may want to start recording immediately without waiting for the defined level. Just press the Play button again and the recording will start immediately.

Level triggered recordings - stop

To stop the upcoming recording automatically when the signal level is low, the "Trigger"'s stop fader is to be set to a value above -∞ (infinite). This is also indicated by an "Automatic mode" symbol on the stop button.

The fader control cares for a minimum distance between start and stop trigger value. The stop trigger can only be used in combination with an automatic start trigger.

Use the shift key on keyboard to move only start or stop trigger fader.

Spontaneous recordings

A spontaneous recording can be started in a tape machine mode. First press the red Record button. Now you should see the input modulation and you can also use the "Monitor" switch.

With the second click at the Play button you can start the recording now.


In both modes you can now after the cording has started press the Pause button.

Create new entry

With this button a new database entry can be created during a new recording. The audio is separated at the point of the click and saved in a new database entry from this point on. The title is numbered consecutively.

Example of different recording states:


During recording it is possible to create audio markers. Created markers can be deleted or renamed while recording is in progress.

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