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DigaSystem registry subkeys and parameters

Service configurations

All service configurations are stored in the DigaSystem registry in the subkey "TurboPlayerService". Global, local and user registries can be used to store configuration. If the same parameters are store in different registries, they will be preferred to use in followed order

  • Global registry

  • Local registry (overwrite parameter values from global registry)

  • User registry (overwrite parameter values from global & local registries)


Parameter name



Determined how many details will be stored into log for this configuration. Only followed values can be specified, otherwise error occurred

  • Critical - only very important messages will be logged. Errors aren't included

  • Error - very important messages and all errors are logged

  • Warning - very important messages, errors and warnings are logged

  • Information - very important messages, errors, warnings and verbose messages (include HTTP & WebSocket API calls) are logged. Warning! This level can generate large log files and dramatically decrease service performance. Enable it only if you want to log all API calls

  • Debug - all messages (included HTTP & WebSocket API calls) and special information for support are logged.  Warning! This level can generate large log files and dramatically decrease service performance. Enable it only if it requested from support

Default value:


Enable using DPE log. If DPE log is disabled, service will use file log only. Can be one of followed

  • True

  • False

Default value:


Parameter name



Max data lifetime (milliseconds) in the TurboPlayer Engine metadata cache. After this time, the data will be removed

Default value:
300000 (5 minutes)


Closing WebSocket connection due to inactivity from client after timeout (milliseconds). Disabled if zero. If disabled, connection to the client will be closed only after closing event from WebSocket API

Warning! From the safety reasons, it’s strongly recommended to not disabled closing due to inactivity

Default value:
600000 (10 minutes)


Max data lifetime (milliseconds) in the rights cache. After this time, the data will be required from the Rights Service again

Default value:
120000 (2 minutes)


Indicates, is the service sending default audio file, if the prelisten audio file isn't available

  • True - service sending default audio file, if the prelisten audio file isn't available

  • False - service return error, if the prelisten audio file isn't available

Default value:


Maximum number of local data models can be created dynamically by every client separately

Default value:


Maximum total number of local data models from all connections can be created dynamically & existed in the same time

Default value:


Prefix for keywords used in the data model markup language

Default value:


Postfix for keywords used in the data model markup language

Default value:


Maximum allowed RTF file size (in bytes) to transfer it from service to client. If the RTF file os larger than this limit, the default text with the description & recommendation to contact with the system administrator will be transferred instead of real RTF content

Default value:


Enable beta-functionality to support BCS rights matrix (BCS rights objects). See BCSTechManual chapter 1.5 “Right Objects“ for details

Can be one of followed

  • True

  • False

Default value:


If this option is “true”, a user with write rights for class X can manipulate (create, update or delete) elements with arbitrary classes in a group of class X. If set to “false”, such a user can only manipulate elements of those classes for which he has write rights, regardless of the class of the elements' parent group.

Can be one of followed

  • True

  • False

Default value:
True (same as by BCS)


Parameter name



Contains name of TurboPlayer main section with the TurboPlayer configuration (e.g. TurboPlayer, or TurboPlayer2, or TurboPlayer_News, etc.). This is the main-recommended way to get the service all required TurboPlayer parameters. The service extract all required communication parameters from the TurboPlayer configuration to communicate with it. Followed parameters are not needed to configure if this parameter is defined

  • CommunicationType

  • EngineAddress

  • TreeManagerPortRange

  • RundownKernelPortRange

  • UseGlobalNamespaceForMMF

Be aware

  • Service is always preferring to use the TurboPlayer configuration from configuration name before manual configuration. If this parameter is configured and not empty, manual configuration parameters will be ignored

  • Service must have access to the TurboPlayer comfiguration.

    • If the TurboPlayer configuration is stored in local registry by another workstation, this workstation must be defined in the parameter ConfigurationHost. Otherwise, the local registry from the workstation, where the service is started, will be used.

    • If the TurboPlayer configuration is stored in the user registry, the service must be configured to use the same user account for access to the DPE services (see appsettings.json configuration above)

  • If TurboPlayer is configured to use IP communciation type for access to RundownKernel and TreeManager, this IP address will be used for connection to TurboPlayer, otherwise local IP will be used (TurboPlayer must be installed on the same workstation with service). See TurboPlayerTechManual for details.

  • Because service have access to the TurboPlayer configuration, an extra check for used GUI number is performed. If the service and the TurboPlayer use the same GUI number, service don’t connect to the TurboPlayer to prevent potential damage (e.g. TurboPlayer can be frozen) and return error message for any request from clients.


The remote workstation name with the local registry contains the TurboPlayer configuration. If the TurboPlayer configuration is stored in local registry by another workstation, this workstation must be defined in this parameter. Otherwise, the local registry from the workstation, where the service is started, will be used.

Default value:
Empty string (local registry from the workstation, where the service is started, will be used)


Number of GUI related to the configuration. GUI number of TurboPlayer (Settings/"the GUI number").

Warning! GUI number used by the service must be never equal to the GUI other numbers used by worked TurboPlayer instance. This cause TurboPlayer to frozen


  • True - configuration can be used in read mode only. Any requests with the changes will be rejected

  • False - clients can perform changes , but some requests can be rejected dependent on the user rights

Default value:


TurboPlayer Engine connection & request timeout in milliseconds

Default value:
10000 (10 seconds)


Used only if the parameter Configuration isn't specified or empty

  • MMF - service establish connection to the TurboPlayer Engine via MMF

  • IP - service establish connection to the TurboPlayer Engine via IP


Used only if the parameter Configuration isn't specified or empty

Used only with communication type "IP"

IP address or resolvable name of the TurboPlayer engine


Used only if the parameter Configuration isn't specified or empty

Used only with communication type "IP"

Port range for Tree Manager as Low-High

Default value:


Used only if the parameter Configuration isn't specified or empty

Used only with communication type "IP"

Port range for Rundown Kernel as Low-High

Default value:


Used only if the parameter Configuration isn't specified or empty

Used only with communication type "MMF"

  • True - MMF will be created in the global (kernel) namespace.

  • False - MMF should be created in the local namespace.

Default value:


Used only if the parameter Configuration isn't specified or empty

DigaSystem BCS name (not workstation name!) used by TurboPlayer to connect

Default value:
Empty string


Parameter name






Contains one data-model used for subscription to the changes. Data model can be configured as

  • Path to the file with the data model. E.g. D:\DataModels\ElementStarted.json

  • Data model source code in JSON. E.g. 

      "DataModel": "NextPlayItem",
      "Type": "partial/notification",
      "TransactionId": "",
      "Code": 0,
      "Description": "",
      "Data": {
        "NextPlayItem": {
          "_$_Fields_$_": [
              "Source": "Metadata",
              "Name": null,
              "FieldName": "ItemId",
              "Format": "Text",
              "SendAlways": true
          "_$_Conditions_$_": [
              "Source": "Metadata",
              "FieldName": "NextPlayItem",
              "ValueSource": "Constant",
              "Value": true,
              "Format": "Boolean",
              "Condition": "Equal",
              "CaseSensitive": false


Service provides access to execute all TurboPlayer macros, inclusive custom macros from TurboPlayer\Communication\EventsOut via ExecuteMacro request. Because it can be very dangerous to allow executing any macros for every user, the service has configurable rights system allowing to specify which macros (inclusive custom) are allowed to execute for each user. All macros allowed to execute via ExecuteMacro requests are defined in this section

Parameter name


Section name

Macro name to execute. Can be a standard TurboPlayer (e.g. TP_StartEmbedded) or custom macro name from TurboPlayer\Communication\EventsOut (see TurboPlayerTechManual for details)


Comma separated right names, required to execute macro. User must have all of these rights. If empty, no rights are required, and any user is allowed to execute the macro without any permissions.

User rights

To perform some request's client must authenticate under a user account with specific rights, defined in DigaSystem registry.

Hint! These objects must also be created if you are logged in as an administrator.



Required right name

Reload service settings


Data models


Required right name

Create local data model (see TurboPlayer Service SDK data model for details)




Required right name

Start an element


Stop an element


Prepares an item, a.k.a. loads an item into a specific channel to be started very fast. The channel will be occupied then, of course.


Selects one of the element to be played with the next start command.


Selects one of the elements as the current cursor item


Selects one of the element for prelistening


Inserts an element (unknown to the engine) into the prelisten list and activates the prelisten state for an engine/MultiPlayer prelisten


Inserts an element (unknown to the TurboPlayer) into the prelisten list and activates the prelisten state


TurboPlayer macros


Required right name

Allow executing standard TurboPlayer macros

Warning! This command can be very dangerous, because get a full control to all standard TurboPlayer macro commands. Wrong or intentional wrong use of this command can damage or break the planned workflow. Try to avoid using this right but replace it with the specialized rights with limited functionality.


Allow executing any TurboPlayer macros inclusive user defined

Warning! This right can be very dangerous, because provide a full control to all GUI-related actions. Wrong or intentional wrong use of this command can damage or break the planned workflow. Try to avoid using this right but replace it with the specialized rights with limited functionality.

Hint. This right provides access to execute all (inclusive user defined) macros, and may be too dangerous for clients that only need access to certain macros. To avoid it use Grant access to individual macros only


TurboPlayer modes


Required right name

Activate or deactivate TurboPlayer Kernel mode


Change TurboPlayer modes for the specified rundown list type


Load objects


Required right name

Load jingle group


Load start show to play by disabled FreeShowList mode


Load shows to play by enabled FreeShowList mode


Load node into stack


Other rights


Required right name

Perform changes in rundown list (insert, update, delete)


Writes real times for the next element in rundown, though it is not playing


Performs a de-link for a remote show or track


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