Unattended TPS installation using a batch file on a local computer
Installation scenario
The unattended installation via a batch file is ideal for installing TurboPlayer Service on a local computer when all configuration parameters are known in advance.
Installation Instructions
Copy the complete installation folder (
) into a local directory, because access to mounted network drives may conflict with elevated privileges required during the installation process. The local folder is referred as<local_TPS_Setup_folder>

TurboPlayer Service Setup folder
Open the file
with your favorite text editor (or Notepad)
Adjust at least
with the appropriated values for your company. For a description of the setup properties see the https://davidsystems.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LTPS/pages/edit-v2/349077523#Setup-Properties below.
Save the new text file as
in the<local_TPS_Setup_folder>
folder.Open a command line window with elevated rights by press Windows+R, to open the Run dialog, type
and press Ctrl+Shift+ENTER.Change the current directory to the
to start the installation.
If the installation was successful, the TurboPlayer Service is started.
Next up
Once you have completed the installation, proceed to the Post-installation steps to get and install the license file.
Setup Properties
Properties are (among other) the data which the user would normally enter into the installer's GUI. Properties come as pairs of name and value. You can set properties for unattended setup on the command line by adding value=name pairs after all command line switches.
Property name | Explanation | Example | Type | Allowed values | Default value |
APPDIR | The directory where TurboPlayer Service is to be installed. | C:\TurboPlayerService\ | string | a valid folder | C:\Program Files (x86)\DigaSystem\TurboPlayer Service\ |
USER_NAME | The user name of the credentials under which the TP service should run | myname | string | (empty) | |
DOMAIN_NAME | The domain of the user name for the credentials under which the TP service should run | domainname | string | (empty) | |
USER_PASSWORD | The password of the credentials under which the TP service should run | mypassword | string | (empty) | |
START_TURBOPLAYER_SERVICE | Start service after installation. (empty) means START_TURBOPLAYER_SERVICE="" | (empty) | string | (empty), Checked | Checked |
DPE_URL | URL of DPE | http://dpehost | url | (empty) | |
DPE_USER | Name of DPE user. | dpeuser | string | (empty) | |
DPE_PASSWORD | Password of DPE user. | **** | string | (empty) | |
CONNECTION_USE_SECURE_PROTOCOLS | Specifies whether secure protocols (https/wss) or unsecure protocols (http/ws) should be used for the connection between a web client and TurboPlayer Service | SecureProtocols | string | UnsecureProtocols, SecureProtocols | UnsecureProtocols |
CERTIFICATE_THUMBPRINT | The thumbprint value of the SSL certificate. The thumbprint is only used if CONNECTION_USE_SECURE_PROTOCOLS is “SecureProtocols“ | 01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef012345 | string | string that consists of 40 hexadecimal characters without spaces. | (empty) |
CONNECTION_DNS_NAME | The DNS name of the computer. The DNS name must match the Common Name (CN) of the SSL certificate which is specified by the thumbprint CERTIFICATE_THUMBPRINT. | myComputer.example.com | string | <URL> | (empty) |
CONNECTION_WEBSOCKET_PORT | The port number of the WebSocket connection. | 8091 | int | 1-65535 | 8091 |
DIGASYSTEM_CONFIGURATION | Name of TurboPlayer Service configuration | myTpsConfig | string | (empty) | |
DIGASYSTEM_COMPUTER_REGISTRY | Name of the computer where TurboPlayer engine is running and which TurboPlayer service should control. | tpHost | string | (empty) | |
DIGASYSTEM_TURBOPLAYER_CONFIGURATION | Name of an existing TurboPlayer configuration which specifies the connection properties to the TurboPlayer Engine. | TurboPlayer | string | (empty) | |
DIGASYSTEM_TURBOPLAYER_GUI_NUMBER | The number which specify the ports used to communicate between the GUI and the engine.
| 3 | int | 2 |
Note: Environment variables can be used e.g., "%ProgramFiles%\My TPS" would expand to "C:\Program Files\My TPS"