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Unattended TPS upgrade installation on a local computer

Installation scenario

This page describes the upgrade installation of TurboPlayer Service on the local computer from the command line.

The installation scenario requires that an older version of TurboPlayer Service be already installed and operational.

Installation instructions

  1. Copy the entire installation folder (Setup) into a local directory, referred to as <local_TPS_Setup_folder>.


TurboPlayer Service Setup folder

  1. Open a command line window with elevated rights. Press Windows+R, to open the Run dialog, type cmd and press Ctrl+Shift+ENTER.

  2. Type cd <local_TPS_Setup_folder> and press ENTER, to change the current directory to the path where TurboPlayerServiceSetup.exe is located.

  3. Type

    TurboPlayerServiceSetup.exe /L*V setup.log /qn

    and press ENTER, to start the installation.

The parameter /L*V setup.log directs the system to create a verbose log in the file named setup.log. The /qn parameter specifies that the installation should proceed without user interaction.

All configuration settings from the previous installation are preserved.

Next up

Once you have completed the upgrade installation, proceed to the Verifying TurboPlayer Service Installation and Configuration to verify that the service is correctly installed and running.

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