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Audio Editing Options

Standard editing options like cut, copy, paste are supported in Text and Waveform View. However, some modes like snap, gain Adjustments etc, are only possible in Waveform View.

Most of common editing options are provided in the Top menu drop down under Edit.

All options can be triggered with keyboard shortcuts. Please see Options for users for more information on configuring shortcuts.

Undo and Redo

All the critical operations can be undone and redone. Undo Redo buttons are also available in toolbar under "Edit".

Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete

Cut Inside and Move

Cut (remove) the inside of a marked range. It can also be triggered from transport bar near the waveform.

Cut Outside and Move

Cut (remove) the inside of a marked range.  It can also be triggered from transport bar near the waveform.


Copy the marked range.


Paste inserts the part that was copied before

In Text View, there are additional keyboard shortcuts...

  • Backspace: delete the word left of the cursor
  • Del: delete the word right of the cursor


This option specifically works in Timeline view, where it is possible to move a segment by left mouse button+dragging the mouse in the lower half of the waveform.

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