Open Link in New Tab
This section is part of Top Menu and Plugin Configuration in CM in Content Manager, from which it is possible to Opening Entries in External Applications and Starting Workflows. With pluginCMOpenLink, links can be opened in a new tab directly from the Top Menu.
Key | Value | Description |
Plugin | pluginCmOpenLink | Specifies which plugin is used. |
Config | URL link | The destination link for the new menu item. Please see the 'Example Configuration Key' section below, on how to setup useful links. These links are always opened in a new tab. Using "{user}" within the link config gets replaced by the current logged in user name. Starting with DPE 1.13.227 there is support for an extended JSON config:
.... | There are numerous general keys, which can be used to customize this top menu item. Please see Top Menu and Plugin Configuration in CM for an extensive list of keys. |
Example Configuration Key
Example: /DpeWebApplication/Admin/Admin.aspx#/workflow-monitor?search=%2BCreator%3A{user}%20State%3AScheduled
This link will take the user to the Workflow-Monitor of the admin, and display only workflows started by that user, which are scheduled.
Notation Explained
The starting /, makes the url relative, meaning that it will stay in the same domain.
The DpeWebApplication/Admin/Admin.aspx#/workflow-monitor is the link's destination, in this case Workflow Monitor.
The ?search=%2BCreator%3A{user} starts a search with the following commands: Creator:[current user]
As colons and spaces can not be used in URLs, the search term is standard URL encoded. This means that a plus has to be replaced by %2B, colons by %3A, spaces by %20 and so on.
The {user} is replaced by the current logged in user name.
Easiest way for getting the right URL for the Config is browsing to the correct target location, applying the search you want to have and copying the URL from the web browser into your config.
If needed: Replace your user name by {user} for making it generic.