Send Entry to Newsroom Production System
This section is part of configuring the Top Menu, from which it is possible to Open Entries in External Applications and Start Workflows.
ENPS from Associated Press
Content Manager can be integrated into the Electronic Newsroom Production System (ENPS) application. The PluginCmEnps transfers entries from the Content Manager to an ENPS story bin. Specifically, this plugin allows single selected entry metadata, in MOS format, to be sent to the ENPS.
Key | Value | Description |
Plugin | PluginCmEnps | Specifies which plugin is used. |
Config | See the example config key section below | The config key contains the required information to connect to the MOS configured Electronic Newsroom Production System (ENPS). |
.... | There are numerous general keys which can be used to customize this top menu item. Please see Top Menu and Plugin Configuration in CM for an extensive list of keys. |
ENPS Configuration
ENPS firstly needs to be configured before integrating it into the Content manager. In ENPS open "Options" and "System Maintenance", go to the Tab "MOS Configuration" and create a new line like this example:
Key | Value |
Address | DIGASYSTEM1 |
Description | DigaSystem Content Manager |
IP | |
ActiveX | ENPSHTMLHost |
Program | DIGAS |
Default Settings | |
MOS Version | 2.8.4 |
Auto Create | TRUE |
Story Send | TRUE |
RO Limit | 0 |
Color | 255,0,0 |

Example Config Key
Key | Description |
mosID | The Mos' "Address", previously configured in the ENPS configuration section. |
CustomNodeName | Used for structuring MOS external metadata xml (see screenshot) |
Fields | Used for mapping DigaSystem metatdata to ENPS xml at CustomNodeName level. Example: DS FieldName : XML TagName |
VisibleForClasses | The menu item is only visible for entries, which belong to a specific class. (e.g. Video Projects) |
MultiSelection | If set to 1, the menu is visible even if multiple entries are selected. |
{ "Arguments": {
"CustomNodeName": "NRK",
"Fields": {
"Remark": "REMARK",
"VisibleForClasses": ["Audio", "Music"]