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Introduction to RoughCut Edit

RoughCut Edit is a web application, which combines video segments from various video entries into one coherent video. RoughCut Edit projects can be processed further in more advanced video editors (e.g. Premiere and FinalCut Pro), published to Youtube and social media or exported to a new entry, video or audio file. RoughCut Edit is supported on all three major browsers: Chrome, Edge and Firefox.


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Application Menu

The Application Menu can be used to navigate between the Content Manager, SubClip Editor, RoughCut Edit, Reports, Admin and System Monitor, given that the user has sufficient rights. 

Introduction to RoughCut Edit
User MenuFrom the User Menu, the current user can sign out, change their password, go to Help section for information on features and configuration know-how.User Based Tasks: Sign out, Change Password
Clip AreaThe Clip Area, shows a list of imported entries, which can be video, audio and graphical. Entries can also be selected, to preview them and add them to the timeline.

Creating my First Project,

Adding and Removing Clips from the Timeline,

Creating Screenshots

Editing Clips,

Previewing Imported Clips, Segmented Clips and the Timeline,

Using keyboard shortcuts in RCE

Preview AreaFrom the Preview Area one can watch selected entries, add and edit video segments to the timeline, take a screenshot and preview the timeline.
Timeline AreaVideo entries can be segmented and added to a single timeline. The timeline can be played, exported and published to YouTube, Facebook or other social media platforms.

Top Menu

From the Top Menu it's possible to Undo or Redo an action, save and create new projects as well as to render the timeline into one audio file or start various workflows.

Continue Editing in External Applications

Exporting to a New Entry and the Web,

Change to Thumbnail View

  • Click on the thumbnail icon
  • Hover over the thumbnails to display the tooltip which includes the metadata normally displayed in the list view. 
  • Click on the List view icon, to change back to list view.

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