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Troubleshooting and Logging


The troubleshooting guide offers detailed instructions for addressing errors that may occur during the installation of the TurboPlayer Service.

Pre-Troubleshooting Checks

Setup Log File

By default, the doesn't write log files. Use the following procedure to create a setup log file:

  • Open a console window with elevated rights: Press Windows+R, type cmd, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

  • Change to the directory where the TurboPlayerServiceSetup.exe file is located: Type cd /d "<Full path to the TurboPlayerServiceSetup.exe>" and press Enter.

  • Type the following command into the console window: TurboPlayerServiceSetup.exe /L*V setup.log and press Enter.

This procedure creates the file setup.log in the current directory while the TurboPlayer service setup is running. This log file is a great help when it comes to finding the reason for failure.

The already contains this line in batch file. This means the TurboPlayer Service Setup logfile setup.log is already written to the setup folder.

The generates a log file too, which is saved in the TEMP folder ${env:temp}\tpssetup.log. The installation by PowerShell writes useful information about the progress of the installation and errors to the console output as well.

Reading the log

If there was an error during the installation, open the log file, search for the first “return value 3” occurrence and/or the last “Error” in the log file to find the reason why the installation has failed.

Service Log File

The setup also could fail in case the TurboPlayer Service can not be started.

The reason for not starting TurboPlayer Service is written to the most recent service log file located in <TPS Installation folder>\Log\<Configuration Name> directory.

Common Issues and Solutions


When the TurboPlayerServiceSetup.exe is started the following error message is displayed:

“TurboPlayer Service cannot be installed, because no DigaSystem base installation was found.”


The TPS setup program checks existing DigaSystem base installation and shows the error if the DigaSystem base installation is not found.

Step-by-Step Solution

Run DBM Setup 4.x or contact


PowerShell remote installation


When unattended installation of TurboPlayer Service on a remote computer is started, the following error message is displayed:

“OpenError: [<computer name>] Connecting to remote server <computer name> failed with the following error message : Access is denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.”


Error: PSRemoting disabled


The on the remote computer PowerShell remoting is not enabled.

Step-by-Step Solution


Contact Support


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