Main Configuration Settings
Main parameters - settings.json
It is important that the file is formatted in valid JSON and contains the following values.
Name | Description | Required |
General | ||
title Type: String | Page title shown in navigation bar and browser tab | no, default: "WebDigAIRange" |
program Type: String | Program name as used by BCS | yes |
license Type: String | License key provided by David Systems to toggle additional features. | no |
URLs | ||
service Type: URL as String | URL of the BCS Service | yes |
restService Type: URL as String | URL to the REST interface of the Service Note: Add trailing slash "/" | yes |
audioURL Type: URL as String | URL to audio file upload handler of BCS Service | yes |
audioStreamURL Type: URL as String | URL to the audio file handler of the BCS Service Note: The File check task of the BroadcastUtilityServer (BUS) must be configured accordingly in order to create prelisten files. | yes |
waveformURL Type: URL as String | URL to waveform file handler of the BCS Service Note: The File check task of the BroadcastUtilityServer (BUS) must be configured accordingly in order to create waveform files. | yes |
Features | ||
| Toggle network messages and user interface for node locking, when editing meta-data. Note: This is a temporary feature flag. | no, default: false |
FeatureFlags\\storybox | Toggle the user interface for Storybox. This feature is not complete and therefore disabled by default. Note: This is a temporary feature flag. | no, default: false |
Overview | ||
Overview\\defaultHeight Type: Integer as pixel value | Height of one hour in calendar overview in pixels | no, default: 70 |
Overview\\firstDay Type: Weekday as String | First day of the week in calendar overview. Can be any of "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" | no, default: Monday |
Overview\\calendarListView Type: Boolean | Set true to make the List view the default view in the calendar overview. If set to false, the default view is the Timeline view. (Timeline view/List view) | no, default: false |
Overview\\dragDropFillWidth Type: Boolean | Set draggable area on shows to full width or drag helper on the bottom left
Note: Always false on small screens | no, default: true |
Language | ||
locale Type: String | Specify localization. Valid: en-us, de-de | no, default: en-us |
Storybox | ||
StoryBox\\minimizeTextElement Type: Boolean | Set true to hide the element information in StoryBox mode for text elements | no |
StoryBox\\minimizeAudioElement Type: Boolean | Set true to hide the element information in StoryBox mode for audio elements | no |
Editor | ||
Editor\\fontFamily Type: String | Set default font family for text editor | no, default: "Roboto" |
Editor\\fontSize Type: Integer as pixel value | Set default font size for text editor | no, default: 14 |
Editor\\lineHeight Type: Float | Set default line height for text editor | no, default: 1.0 |
Parameter Service | ||
ParameterService\\host Type: String | URL of Parameter Service | no |
Content Service | ||
ContentService\\restService Type: URL as String | URL to REST API of Content Service | no |
ContentService\\defaultTable Type: String | ID of the table that is loaded first. The ID is a combination of the DSNname and the tablename separated by two backslashes "\\". Example: "MyServer\\MyTable" | no |
ContentService\\refreshInterval Type: Seconds as Integer | Interval to automatically reload table data in seconds. A value of 0 disables the automatic refresh. Note: Requires DPE version or higher. | no, default: 15 [seconds] |
Print\\element Type: Boolean | Set print button for elements | no, default: false |
Print\\group Type: Boolean | Set print button for groups | no, default: false |
Print\\story Type: Boolean | Set print button for story | no, default: false |
Print\\textLineHeight Type: Float | Set line height for printed RTF text | no |
Print\\Show\\skipAudioElements Type: Boolean | Skip audio elements which has no text from printing a show | no, default: true |
Menu | ||
Menu\\buttons Type: Array of Objects | Define buttons to display in the top navigation bar, next to the program selection. Each button is configured as an object with two attributes:
| no |
Content Manager | ||
ContentManager | Configuration shared between all miniContentManagers Note: See further documentation for a list of parameters | no |
Transitions | ||
Transitions\\autoDuckEnabled | Auto duck on/off | no |
Transitions\\autoDuckGain | refers to the adjustment of audio volume during a voice-over. If the value is greater than 1, it will increase the volume of the audio, and if it's less than 1, it will decrease the volume of the audio during a voice over. | no |
Transitions\\autoDuckDuration | The rate at which the fade curve changes, measured in milliseconds (ms). | no |
Others | ||
prelistenEndOffset Type: Integer | Offset for prelistening the end of an element in seconds | no, default: 20 |
Scheduling\\views Type: Array | Array of configurations for Scheduling Pages. (See Scheduling page) | no |
Shortcuts Type: Object | Object of Shortcut definitions. (See Shortcuts page) | no |
iframePage Type: Object | Creates a page for embedding another web page | no |
An example settings file may look like this:
"title": "WebDigAIRange",
"program": "Program 1",
"service": "ws://bcs-service:8085/",
"restService": "https://bcs-service:8081/bcs/",
"audioURL": "http://bcs-service:8081/bcs/AudioFile?Id=%@",
"audioStreamURL": "http://bcs-service:8081/bcs/PrelistenFile?Id=%@",
"waveformURL": "http://bcs-service:8081/bcs/WaveFormFile?Id=%@",
"Overview\\defaultHeight": 90,
"Overview\\firstDay": "Monday",
"Overview\\calendarListView": false,
"StoryBox\\minimizeTextElement": true,
"StoryBox\\minimizeAudioElement": true,
"Editor\\fontSize": 16,
"Editor\\lineHeight": 1.6,
"Editor\\fontFamily": "Times New Roman, Times, serif",
"ContentService\\restService": "",
"ContentService\\defaultTable": "WebDA\\webDA",
"Transitions\\autoDuckEnabled": true,
"Transitions\\autoDuckGain": 0.15,
"Transitions\\autoDuckDuration": 400,
"Print\\element": true,
"Print\\story": true,
"Print\\group": true,
"Menu\\buttons": [{
"label": "Content Manager",
"url": ""
"prelistenEndOffset": 10,
"Scheduling\\views": [],
"Shortcuts": {},
"iframePage" : {
"icon": "si-glyph-road.svg",
"url": "http://davidqa-nas3/HTML/RecordingPlaybackForCC/RecordingPlaybackForCC.html"
Confirm Validity
Modifying the file settings.json can easily introduce errors, because it must follow strict JSON specifications. Two mistakes are most common:
Missing comma at the end of a line.
Missing quotes for the parameter name (string to the left of the colon).
It is recommended to run any modifications to settings.json trough a JSON linter, which checks the code for validity. An easy to access and free solution can be found under:
Simply copy and paste the full contents of settings.json and click “Validate JSON”.
Removed in version 6.2. Use Menu\\buttons instead.