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Adding combo-box component for multi-selection of entries

Combo-box component can be configured with various configuration parameters. For the overall context see Introduction to Details Pane Templates.

Configuration for the property Class of an entry

{{#form-container legacyController=legacyController 
    {{#if editable}}
            <div data-col="sm-4 xs-12 valign-sm-center valign-xs-bottom">
                {{check-box checked=$changeClass}}
                <label style="padding-left:5px">Change Class:</label>
            <div data-col="sm-8 xs-12 valign-center" class="editable-field">
                    ariaLabel="Select Class"
            <div data-col="sm-4 xs-12 valign-sm-center valign-xs-bottom">
            <div data-col="sm-8 xs-12 valign-center">
                {{combo-box model=model field="Class" editable=false}}

Internationalization is supported. e.g. in German, all classes will be displayed in German in the combo-box and the drop down.

Allowed classes of the tables of the entries is also taken into account, please refer to Adding combo-box component with fixed data source at section “With Class property”.
You can also suggest a subset of classes by updating the template combo-box with the following block.
The source here is just as an example.

                    ariaLabel="Select Class"
                    source="['Audio', 'Music']"

Configuration for custom fields

customField property can also be used instead of field.

Edit mode

{{combo-box stateChanged=$changeMY$CUSTOMFIELD model=editModelArray field="MY/CUSTOMFIELD"
      source="['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3']"}}

Read mode

{{combo-box model=model field="MY/CUSTOMFIELD" editable=false}}

Configuration of DAVID/DISTRIBUTIONENDPOINTS custom field

It uses a select box.

Edit mode

{{select-box stateChanged=$changeDAVID_DISTRIBUTIONENDPOINTS model=editModelArray field="DAVID/DISTRIBUTIONENDPOINTS"}}

Read mode

{{select-box model=model field="DAVID/DISTRIBUTIONENDPOINTS" editable=false}}

Configuration for definitions

See Adding combo-box component and binding to dynamic data sources for the list of available definition fields and information about canCreate=true.

{{#form-container legacyController=legacyController 
				  $changeEditor=false as |form|}}

	{{#if editable}}
		<table class="modern-table"> 
                <tr><td>{{check-box checked=$changeInstrumentation}}<label>Change Instrumentation:</label></td><td class="editable-field">
			        {{combo-box stateChanged=$changeInstrumentation model=editModelArray field="Instrumentation"}}
                <tr><td>{{check-box checked=$changeEndcode}}<label>Change Endcode:</label></td><td class="editable-field">
			        {{combo-box stateChanged=$changeEndcode model=editModelArray field="Endcode"}}
                <tr><td>{{check-box checked=$changePresenter}}<label>Change Presenter:</label></td><td class="editable-field">
			        {{combo-box stateChanged=$changePresenter model=editModelArray field="Presenter"}}
                <tr><td>{{check-box checked=$changeAuthor}}<label>Change Author:</label></td><td class="editable-field">
			        {{combo-box stateChanged=$changeAuthor model=editModelArray field="Author" canCreate=true}}
                <tr><td>{{check-box checked=$changeEditor}}<label>Change Editor:</label></td><td class="editable-field">
			        {{combo-box stateChanged=$changeEditor model=editModelArray field="Editor" canCreate=true}}
		<table class="modern-table">
				<tr><td>Instrumentation:</td><td>{{combo-box model=model field="Instrumentation" editable=false}}</td></tr>
				<tr><td>Endcode:</td><td>{{combo-box model=model field="Endcode" editable=false}}</td></tr>
				<tr><td>Presenter:</td><td>{{combo-box model=model field="Presenter" editable=false}}</td></tr>
				<tr><td>Author:</td><td>{{combo-box model=model field="Author" editable=false}}</td></tr>
				<tr><td>Editor:</td><td>{{combo-box model=model field="Editor" editable=false}}</td></tr>

Configuration for user definitions

One can store values defined in user definitions into any field or arbitrary fields by adding the section argument to the combo-box.
For example using the section name of the user definition.

{{combo-box model=editModel section="MyCustomUserDefinition" field="MY/CUSTOMFIELD" canCreate=true}}

You can also use the section id as follows:

{{combo-box model=editModel section="40" field="MY/CUSTOMFIELD"}}

The user definition section IDs can be found in the ...|Digas|UserDefinitions| PAR folder, to which you must add 40.
e.g. If Keyword1 definition has ID 8, then use section=”48”.
If you want to use section IDs of normal definitions, you can find them under Adding combo-box component and binding to dynamic data sources | Available-definition-fields .

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