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Audio Download Links

If you want to make Audio Files available for download to your users, you can configure Download Links as part of a Details Pane Template.

The audio file of an entry can be offered via download links in different formats (wav, mp2, mp3. etc.) from the Details Pane.

A pre-configured media section displays a download link corresponding to different media formats:

Additionally, other downloadable formats can be configured as simple links or as options on top of media section.

In this example we have included two audio format conversions (.mp3 and .wav) specified as query parameters: ext and format.

{{#if (equal model.Class "Audio")}}
	<div style="margin:5px; padding:5px;">
  		<a href="/DpeWebApplication/DownloadMedium.ashx?{{model.FullEntryIdAuth}}&mediumid={{m.RefNr}}&ext=.mp3&format=[FILETYPE]RAW[FORMAT]MPEG-LAYER3" target="_blank">Download as MP3</a>
  		<a href="/DpeWebApplication/DownloadMedium.ashx?{{model.FullEntryIdAuth}}&mediumid={{m.RefNr}}&ext=.wav&format=[FILETYPE]WAV[FORMAT]LINEAR" target="_blank">Download as WAV</a>

AudioTranscode is the default transcoding workflow triggered when format and ext are specified as query parameters.

However, one can also specify a different workflow by passing "Workflow= MyAudioTranscodingWorkflow" as query parameter.

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