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Configuring keyboard shortcuts

Configuration follows the same pattern for all applications.

To assist users, configured shortcuts are also displayed in item tooltips.

Available shortcuts in:

Custom Shortcut Values

The value of the shortcut parameter key [Shortcut name] at |...|[productname]|Shortcuts|, can take the following values:


any standalone letter (without 'alt+', 'ctrl+', 'shift+' prefixes)

Be aware that A-Z means Shift+a-z and the same for e.g. äöü

shift+[left or up or down or right arrow or delete or space]

(warning) shift+<key> is ONLY supported for left or up or down or right or delete or space. Use the resulting character for the other characters in combination with shift. e.g. shift+a is A

Otherwise use the shift+<keycode> notation at the next line.


We introduced the shift+<X> notation for being able to use the shift by relying on keycodes for internationalization.

e.g. shift+3 becomes "§" on a German keyboard but "#" on an US keyboard
We cannot make a shortcut that would be international by using shift+3, so we use instead shift+<51>.
Find out the keycode of your key at


(warning) supported only if not used by the browser

ctrl+shift+[left or up or down or right arrow or delete or space]

(warning) ctrl+shift+[key] is ONLY supported for left or up or down or right or delete or space. Use the resulting character for the other characters in combination with shift. e.g. shift+a is A
Otherwise use ctrl+shift+<keycode> at the next line.


We introduced the ctrl+shift+<X> notation for being able to use the shift by relying on keycodes for internationalization.

e.g. ctrl+shift+3 becomes ctrl+"§" on a german keyboard but ctrl+"#" on an US keyboard
We cannot make a shortcut that would be international by using ctrl+shift+3, so we use instead ctrl+shift+<51>.
Find out the keycode of your key at

ctrl+alt+[key](warning) supported only if not used by the browser
alt+[key](warning) supported only if not used by the browser
Windows/MacOS shortcuts

cannot be overwritten from the code! You need some browser plugin to overwrite it in your browser.

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