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Extended DigaCare Value

In Release 2023.3.0, we are introducing several new features and enhancements to our DigaCare offerings to provide additional value to our customers. Here is a small selection of highlights from the release:

Broadcast System

Among several bug fixes and new features, it is now easier to upgrade from BCS v5 to BCS v6! It is now possible to keep remote link data using the original SeplProtocol in the metadata of shows and tracks, while BCS instead builds up remote connections with WebSockets.

BUS is now available in 64-bit. 

BCS and BUS both offer new command line parameters for executing a batch file before starting. This allows for the mapping of drive letters when running as a Windows service. 

BCS Search has been updated for v6, including full-text search via ElasticSearch. 

DPE Nano Services NEW!

Introducing DPE Nano Services: a super lightweight, multi-platform (i.e., Linux-compatible) implementation of the DPE Services (e.g., Content Service), designed to open up new opportunities for integrated solution design and deployment.


ROAD Scheduling and Admin have been updated to support use with the new DPE Nano Services. In addition, ROAD Admin has a new Template Editor, Live Level display, and access to log files. 

ROAD Service is now more robust and supports enhanced security. Also, media file upload to DPE supports direct file access to reduce network load. 


The new version of WebDigAIRange offers several quality and UX improvements. Following customer preference, we have brought back the drag and drop from Content Manager. 


The EAO SDK has been moved to a new platform that is easier to use and comes with many more code examples. 

TurboPlayer Service SDK

TurboPlayer Service has received significant enhancements. The API now offers a range of commands for using TurboPlayer Service to control TurboPlayer Engine. Technical documentation and use case examples are available in the TurboPlayer Service SDK.

Free access to SDKs on Developer Hub

  • we have made changes to how you interact with our SDKs

  • Read more about it here

For further information on these updates and their technical specifications, please reach out to our support or sales representatives.

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