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Working with Loudness

DigaSystem can create, store and read loudness data out of audio entries. To use this kind of data the DigaSystem has to be configured accordingly by a system administrator!
Entries will keep their loudness data when copied. But if the entry's media file is changed – e.g. by a conversion- or the meta data are overwritten in the Copy data dialog (see section Dialog Buttons in Editing Entry Metadata) the loudness data are deleted and the entry needs to be accordingly recalculated.

Display Loudness Columns

Loudness Columns can only be displayed if they have been configured by the administrator (see Configuring Loudness).

Open the menu Program → Settings and select the Columns tab as described in Settings Dialog. Set a check mark to the following fields to display them in the DBM entry list (except for the ear, all data are displayed in LUFS):

DBTPThe maximum peak in the audio
EarIf an entry has an ear, it means it has valid loudness metadata. The ear color indicates the loudness status, see below.
ILKIntegrated Loudness Level: Average Loudness value for the whole audio
LRALoudness Range: The average dynamic range of the whole audio in LU
MAXMLMaximum Momentary Loudness Level: The highest value of an audio signal (in LUFS; over a short integration time, e.g. 400ms)
MAXSLMaximum Short-term Loudness Level: Highest value of an audio signal's short-term Loudness level (in LUFS; integration time ca. 3 s)
The column names might vary from the default names that are described here. In that case contact your system administrator.

Loudness Ears

Loudness Ears indicate whether an audio entry matches the defined Loudness requirements or not. This icon is only displayed for icon that contain Loudness metadata. Please note, that the color of the ears can be changed, therefore this list represents the default colors:

The audio entry fully matches the defined Loudness criteria.

The audio entry is not Loudness conform, but can be made so by a normalization.

Not Correctable
The audio entry is not Loudness conform, not even after a normalization.

The audio entry has its Loudness data disabled, so they are not used by any DigaSystem application.

This entry's Loudness data is corrupted or incomplete.

Edit and Disable Loudness data of an entry

The Audio Tab provides information about Loudness relevant fields and how to edit them.

Normalize Entries with Loudness Data

A Loudness normalization can be performed in DBM by an Audio Conversion or when exporting an entry (see Exporting and Importing Entries). This can only be done with audio entries that are "loudness analyzed", meaning with valid and complete loudness meta data. A Loudness Analysis is not possible within DBM (in the DigaSystem environment this is done with the DPE Loudness Processor).

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