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What is new

Independent deployment and maintenance

  • Starting with version 3.x, ContentManager is an independent, standalone web application that can be hosted in any web server and on any platform

  • ContentManager can be updated and maintained independently from the service backend

  • We provide a ContentManager docker image for easy, containerized deployment

  • ContentManager is not part of the DPE setup anymore, which previously installed web frontends and web services as one monolithic application inside Microsoft IIS

Improved table search and overview

  • Keep table selection when searching for tables

  • Spot all selected tables easily

  • See selected table(s) in tab header

Entry grid context menu (right click on entry)

Faster metadata editing

  • In-place edit of title in grid

Speech-to-text Support

Improved Audio Player

  • Playback speed can be changed (in details pane), e.g. 0.5x or 2.0x

  • Larger and redesigned control buttons (that will soon be used in all DAVID web applications)

Details Pane Templates


  • Table and user specific content facets

  • Support for automatically setting MusicID


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