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Parameter Description

Parameters and Subkeys

Subkeys: A subkey means a folder in the parameter files tree structure, as shown in the DigaSystem Administrator.

Parameter level:

Subkeys (sometimes also called folders) and parameters can be located in three different parameter files (levels): The Global Settings, the Local Settings and the User Settings.

If the parameter level can be chosen at will, the parameter path is shown as e.g. …|Settings| (the three dots in the beginning), that indicate the Settings subkey of any parameter level.

Vertical bar (|) and parameter syntax

If the vertical bar, that separates the subkeys, appears at the end, then a subkey is meant, e.g. …|DigAIRange|Crossfade|Extra| - the Extra subkey in the Crossfade folder. Without the bar the manual refers to a parameter, e.g. |DigAIRange|Crossfade|Extra|FadeInCurveType.

If a parameter value is pointed out or recommended it will be shown as Parameter=Value. As an example: UseOnAirTrackMixer=TRUE means, the parameter “UseOnAirTrackMixer” is (or should be) set to “TRUE”.

Variable <n>

The subkey variable <folder name> or just <n> means the parameter folder can have multiple names or there can be several folders of this type.

Default path

Parameters being listed without a reference path are always stored under:



 |DBM| further DBM parameters are defined within the OTMSettings parameter

Not default path

Other pathes than the default one are shown like this

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"

OnAIR TrackMixer Parameters

The bold and underlined value is the default value. For DBM by design all parameters for recording, Multitrack actions or view i.e. crossfades or mostly all fade curve modification parameters are not applicable.


Value / Description




Default: AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking -15.0

Default: StartNextAutoDucking -10.0

  • Amplification in dB for ducking settings.

  • When an audio is ducked it will be lowered by %Amplification% dB in the ducking area.

  • "Amplification" is used for duck targets ducked by duck source audios and by audio segments from the recording.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"



Default value: 150

  • AttackOffset in milliseconds for Start Next Auto-Ducking.

  • The "AttackOffset" will be used together with the "AttackTime", the "AttackThreshold" and the "ThresholdTolerance" to detect the start of an audio segment in the recording.

  • The %AttackOffset% ms offset will compensate for internal delays by the detection logic with a default value of 150 ms.

  • The %AttackOffset% ms offset is not needed to compensate for the %AttackTime% ms offset.

  • The %AttackOffset% ms offset can also be used to further correct the detected start position of an audio segment in the recording to the left or the right in the timeline.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"



Default value: -30.0

  • AttackThreshold in dB for Start Next Auto-Ducking.

  • The "AttackThreshold" will be used together with the "AttackTime", the "ThresholdTolerance" and the "AttackOffset" to detect the start position of an audio segment in the recording.

  • The start of an audio segment in the recording is detected if the signal is above %AttackThreshold% dB for at least %AttackTime% ms and in at least %ThresholdTolerance% percent of the values

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|DigAIRange|Crossfade|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "...|TurboPlayer|GUI\Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"



Default value: 100

  • AttackTime in milliseconds for StartNext-Autoducking.

  • The "AttackTime " will be used together with the "AttackThreshold", the "ThresholdTolerance" and the "AttackOffset" to detect the start position of an audio segment in the recording.

  • The start of an audio segment in the recording is detected if the signal is above %AttackThreshold% dB for at least %AttackTime% ms and in at least %ThresholdTolerance% percent of the values.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|DigAIRange|Crossfade|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "...|TurboPlayer|GUI\Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"



Default value: -15

When auto-ducking: Amount of volume reduction in dB (negative values are used in the registry).

Remark: This parameter is only present in the user registry, it is only available when using OTM and you should always use the settings dialog of DigAIRange to change it!

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|DigAIRange|Crossfade|AutoDuckAmplification"


Default value: 1000

When auto-ducking the fade down is executed over this period of time in milliseconds.

Remark: This parameter is only present in the user registry, it is only available when using OTM and you should always use the settings dialog of DigAIRange to change it!

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|DigAIRange|Crossfade|AutoDuckFadeDown"


Default value: 500

When auto-ducking: fade down of the previous item is finished x milliseconds before the selected element starts.

Remark: This parameter is only present in the user registry, it is only available when using OTM and you should always use the settings dialog of DigAIRange to change it!

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|DigAIRange|Crossfade|AutoDuckFadeDownBefore"


Default value: 1000

When auto-ducking the fade up is executed over this period of time in milliseconds.

Remark: This parameter is only present in the user registry, it is only available when using OTM and you should always use the settings dialog of DigAIRange to change it!

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|DigAIRange|Crossfade|AutoDuckFadeUp"


Default value: 500

When auto-ducking: fade up of the following item is finished x milliseconds after the selected element ends.

Remark: This parameter is only present in the user registry, it is only available when using OTM and you should always use the settings dialog of DigAIRange to change it!

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|DigAIRange|Crossfade|AutoDuckFadeUpAfter"


0, 1

Enables or disables the new "Automatic Zoom All Out" feature. When enabled, the OTM timeline zooms out to display all audio when 3 or more audios are loaded. When disabled (old behavior), the timeline zooms to the default range.



Collapse Detail Panes:

  • TRUE - The panes "Marker Details" and "Show Overview" will collapse/expand, when the tracks are collapsed/expanded.

  • FALSE - The panes "Marker Details" and "Show Overview" will not change, when the tracks are collapsed/expanded.


True, False

Crossfade track for the fade in track of the crossfade:

  • True - Delete old fade in curve and create new fade in curve according to setting FadecurveType.

  • False - Leave the current fade in curve.

Reference path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters"


True, False

Modes for the fade in track of the crossfade:

  • True - Use the current play position to calculate the fade time

  • False - Use the FadeTime setting as the fade time

Reference path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters"



Default value: 100

Defines the minimal distance in milliseconds, between any two adjacent fade points when volume is adjusted. This value is used to honour limitations of the play-out software or hardware which may not be able to process fade points that are too close to each other. Must be zero or a positive number not above 5000.

This restriction is applied for non-linear fade curves, as well when one of the ↑ or ↓ buttons is pressed (which in fact also creates a small fade).

  • DistanceOfFadePoints in milliseconds for leveling settings in Advanced Voice Tracking Mode.

  • "DistanceOfFadePoints" is used together with "LevelModification" to define the size of the fade for level up/down.

  • The distance between the start and the end of the fade is %DistanceOfFadePoints% ms.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Leveling" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Leveling"


True, False

The parameter DrawZeroAtFirstElementMarkOut shifts the 0:00 point to the Mark In of the second element instead of the Mark Out of the first element if set to False. Only Visible if Relative Times is selected.


Never, WithShift, WithoutShift, WithAlt, WithoutAlt

Drag tail elements feature in OnAIR TrackMixer:

  • Never: Feature is disabled. This is the default if the parameter is not set. Button is not shown in main toolbar.

  • WithShift: Feature is active, if the shift key is pressed before dragging the audio element. Button is shown in main toolbar and is deactivated.

  • WithoutShift: Feature is active, if the shift key is not pressed and not active otherwise. Button is shown in main toolbar and is activated.

  • WithAlt: Feature is active, if the alt key is pressed before dragging the audio element. Button is shown in main toolbar and is deactivated.

  • WithoutAlt: Feature is active, if the alt key is not pressed and not active otherwise. Button is shown in main toolbar and is activated.


True, False

Use ducking feature in VoiceTracking mode in OnAIR TrackMixer:

  • False - No ducking is used in VoiceTracking Mode

  • True - Ducking is used in VoiceTracking Mode.


0, 1

Allow modification of start markers on first element of show and end markers of last element in show.

  • 0: Modification of start/end markers is not possible

  • 1: Modification of start/end markers is allowed


Linear, Log1, Log2, LogMinus2

(warning) This parameter is case sensitive and needs to be written FadecurveType!

Curve type used for the fade track of the crossfade:

    • Linear - Creates a linear curve.

    • Log1 - Creates a Log 1 curve.

    • Log2 - Creates a Log 2 curve.

    • LogMinus2 - Creates a Log -1 curve.

Reference path:

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters"


Linear, Log1, Log2, LogMinus2

Supported values are:

    • Linear - Creates a linear curve.

    • Log1 - Creates a Log 1 curve.

    • Log2 - Creates a Log 2 curve.

    • LogMinus2 - Creates a Log -1 curve.

FadeCurveType for fadeout settings in AdvancedVoiceTracking Mode.

  • "FadeCurveType" is used together with "FadeTime" to define the form and size of the fade out curve.

  • "FadeCurveType" defines the form of the fade out curve.

Reference path:

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|FadeOut" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|FadeOut"



Default value: 1000

  • FadeDown in milliseconds for ducking settings in Start Next Auto-Ducking.

  • "FadeDown" is used together with "FadeDownCurveType" to define the form of the fade down part of the ducking curve.

  • The distance between the start and the end of the fade down is %FadeDown% ms.

  • "FadeDown" is used for duck targets ducked by duck source audios and by audio segments from the recording.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"



AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking 500

StartNextAutoDucking 1000

AdvancedVoiceTracking and StartNextAutoDucking modes:

  • "FadeDownBefore" defines the alignment between the fade down curve and the duck position.

  • FadeDownBefore in milliseconds for ducking settings 

  • If %FadeDownBefore% is 0 ms, the fade down starts at the duck position.

  • If %FadeDownBefore" is 500 ms, the fade down starts 500 ms before the duck position.


"FadeDownBefore" is used for duck targets ducked by duck source audios and by audio segments from the recording.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"


Linear, Log1, Log2, LogMinus2
FadeDownCurveType of the ducking settings

  • "FadeDownCurveType" is used together with "FadeDown" to define the form and size of the fade down part of the ducking curve.

  • "FadeDownCurveType" defines the form of the fade down curve.

The supported values:

    • Linear - Creates a linear curve.

    • Log1 - Creates a Log 1 curve.

    • Log2 - Creates a Log 2 curve.

    • LogMinus2 - Creates a Log -1 curve.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AutoDucking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"


Linear, Log1, Log2, LogMinus2

Curve type for "FadeIn" Button:

    • Linear - Creates a linear curve.

    • Log1 - Creates a Log 1 curve.

    • Log2 - Creates a Log 2 curve.

    • LogMinus2 - Creates a Log -1 curve.


Linear, Log1, Log2, LogMinus2

Curve type for "FadeOut" Button:

    • Linear - Creates a linear curve.

    • Log1 - Creates a Log 1 curve.

    • Log2 - Creates a Log 2 curve.

    • LogMinus2 - Creates a Log -1 curve.



This value defines the minimum amplitude a fade point can have. This value is defined in dB.


0, 0...

This value defines the maximum amplitude a fade point can have. This value is defined in dB.



Default value: 2500

The distance between the start and the end of the fade is %FadeTime% ms.

  • Fade time for the fade out track of the crossfade in milliseconds. Used only if DefaultMode = False for the fade out track.

FadeTime in milliseconds for fade out settings in AdvancedVoiceTracking Mode.

  • "FadeTime" is used together with "FadeCurveType" to define the form and size of the fade out curve.

  • The distance between the start and the end of the fade out is %FadeTime% ms.

Reference path:

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeInParameters"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|CrossfadeFadeOutParameters"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|FadeOut" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|FadeOut"



Default value: 1000

  • FadeUp in milliseconds for ducking settings.

  • "FadeUp " is used together with "FadeUpCurveType" to define the form of the fade up part of the ducking curve.

  • The distance between the start and the end of the fade up is %FadeUp% ms.


  • "FadeUp" is used for duck targets ducked by duck source audios and by audio segments from the recording.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"



AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking 500

StartNextAutoDucking 0

  • FadeUpBefore in milliseconds for ducking settings.

  • "FadeUpBefore" defines the alignment between the fade up curve and the unduck position.

  • If %FadeUpBefore % is 0 ms, the fade up starts at the unduck position.

  • If %FadeUpBefore " is 500 ms, the fade up starts 500 ms before the unduck position.


  • "FadeUpBefore" is used for duck targets ducked by duck source audios and by audio segments from the recording.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"


Linear, Log1, Log2, LogMinus2

  • FadeUpCurveType of the ducking settings.

  • "FadeUpCurveType" is used together with "FadeUp" to define the form and size of the fade up part of the ducking curve.

  • "FadeUpCurveType" defines the form of the fade up curve.

The supported values are:

    • Linear - Creates a linear curve.

    • Log1 - Creates a Log 1 curve.

    • Log2 - Creates a Log 2 curve.

    • LogMinus2 - Creates a Log -1 curve.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Ducking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AutoDucking"

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"


When moving Mark In, Link In is moved together with Mark In. You still can move Link In without moving Mark In.

To activate in the Settings dialog

(lightbulb)This function you need to activate in DigAIRange's and Turbo Player's setting dialog.


When moving Mark Out, Link Out is moved together with Mark Out. You still can move Link Out without moving Mark Out.

To activate in the Settings dialog

(lightbulb)This function you need to activate in DigAIRange's and Turbo Player's setting dialog.


True, False

Hide the Inro1, Intro2, Outro1 and Outro2 symbols if they are before MarkIn or behind MarkOut.



Default value: 150

HoldOffset in milliseconds for Start Next Auto-Ducking.

  • The "HoldOffset" will be used together with the "HoldTime" the "HoldThreshold" and the "ThresholdTolerance" to detect the end of an audio segment in the recording.

  • The %HoldOffset% ms offset will compensate for internal delays by the detection logic with a default value of 150 ms.

  • The %HoldOffset% ms offset is not needed to compensate for the %HoldTime% ms offset.

  • The %HoldOffset% ms offset can also be used to further correct the detected end position of an audio segment in the recording to the left or the right in the timeline.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"




HoldThreshold in dB for Start Next Auto-Ducking.

  • The "HoldThreshold" will be used together with the "HoldTime", the "ThresholdTolerance" and the "HoldOffset" to detect the end position of an audio segment in the recording. 

  • The end of an audio segment in the recording is detected if the signal is below %HoldThreshold% dB for at least %HoldTime% ms and in at least %ThresholdTolerance% percent of the values.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"




  • HoldTime in milliseconds for Start Next Auto-Ducking.

  • The "HoldTime " will be used together with the "HoldThreshold", the "ThresholdTolerance" and the "HoldOffset" to detect the end position of an audio segment in the recording.

  • The end of an audio segment in the recording is detected if the signal is below %HoldThreshold% dB for at least %HoldTime% ms and in at least %ThresholdTolerance% percent of the values.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|StartNextAutoDucking" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|StartNextAutoDucking"




Amount in dB by which the fade curve is increased or decreased when one of the ↑ or ↓ buttons is pressed. Decimal digits are allowed; a dot (i.e., full stop or period) serves as decimal separator. Must be positive, in the range of 0.5 to 5.0.

  • LevelModification in dB for leveling settings in AdvancedVoiceTracking Mode.

  • "LevelModification" is used together with "DistanceOfFadePoints" to define the size of the fade for level up/down.

  • The height in dB between the start and the end of the fade is %LevelModification% dB.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Leveling" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Leveling"


True, False

False [Default]: Only two elements are loaded
True: When next element is set sequenced, then 3 elements are loaded



Within the OTMSetting parameter you can define the logging path.



      <Filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\DigaSystem\Logging\DBM_OTM.log</Filename>





Expand/collapse "Marker Details" pane at startup.

TRUE: The pane "Marker Details" is expanded at startup.

FALSE: The pane "Marker Details" is collapsed at startup.



Number of maximum undo steps.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade" or "..|DBM|Crossfade"



Number of maximum undo steps.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra"




Defines the threshold in dB by which OTM distinguishes between "low volume" and "high volume", in the context of the DUCK/UNDUCK key.
The DUCK/UNDUCK key increases the volume to full (unducks) if the current fade curve is below this limit; it decreases the volume to the Amplification value, if the current fade curve is not below the limit.
Although any negative value between -10.0 and -3.0 is allowed, you should define this parameter to be approximately one half of the Amplification value.

  • MinimumDuckLevel in dB for Leveling settings in AdvancedVoiceTracking Mode.

  • The "MinimumDuckLevel" controls the ducked state of the AdvancedVoiceTracking mode.

  • If the current duck level is below or at the same level of %MinimumDuckLevel% dB, the state is ducked.

  • In the ducked state the fade line and the duck symbol in the track header are shown in blue.

  • The ducked state can be reached with the level down shortcut(s) or with the duck shortcut(s).

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Leveling" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|Extra|AdvancedVoiceTracking|Leveling"



Default 200

Minimum distance between automatically generated fade points in milliseconds.


PausePlayback, None

Right mouse button behavior in OnAIR TrackMixer:

  • PausePlayback - Right mouse button pauses the playback. This is the default behavior of OTM.

  • None - Right mouse button does not pause playback.

For example: <MouseButtonRight>PausePlayback</MouseButtonRight>


MoveWaveformToLeft, MoveWaveformToRight

Mouse wheel scrolling behavior in OnAIR TrackMixer:

  • MoveWaveformToLeft - Waveform is moved to the left for Mouse-Wheel-Up. This is the default behavior of OTM.

  • MoveWaveformToRight - Waveform is moved to the right for Mouse-Wheel-Up. This is the default behavior of most DAVID Applications


1, 0, Yes, No,

If a Fade In / Out has been defined and you move the Mark In / Out points, the fade points will be moved together with the mark points.

Note: The behavior can be toggled holding SHIFT.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "User|xyz|DigAIRange|Crossfade" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1|"



OtmBlack.xaml, OtmGrey.xaml, OtmVeryLight.xaml

Default <empty>

If DBM is configured to use OTM for editing mark/fade/link properties (i.e. "DBM/Crossfade/UseOnAirTrackMixer"=TRUE), then this parameter can be set to define an external XAML file, which will be used as a GUI template by OTM.

The full path name of the XAML file must be given. XAML example files are delivered with the OTM software package and are located in the folder "OtmAlternateGui".

Invalid since DBM version 4.8.7372.0, use xml parameter DBM|OTMSettings instead and define tag "MultiRecSkinfile" holding the path to the OTM xaml file.



Color of the next element position indicator line.


True, False

Show the vertical indicator line at the last element, loaded to OTM, for the next element's Mark In position of the element which comes next but is not loaded to OTM.



Color of the vertical indicator line at MarkIn position of the next element. 


True, False

Show the vertical indicator line at the position of the MarkIn of the next element of all elements loaded to OTM


0, 1

Controls which element is loaded after switching from multi-track into 1-track mode:

0 - the first element (i.e. the element from the top track of multi-track mode)

1 - the element that was originally loaded into OTM

When you drag one audio element into OTM, OTM (since version 1.3 or so) attempts to load a complete transition. With OpenSelectedElement=0, the first element of this transition is loaded into 1-track mode; with OpenSelectedElement=1, the element is loaded into 1-track mode that was dragged into OTM.

This parameter is only used for OTM versions 1.3.346.19 and higher patch levels, or 2.0.497.0 and above.


XML string (empty as default)

Xml file providing OTM specific settings to DBM, e.g.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>







Visibility of Output Fader in OnAIR TrackMixer:

  • True - Output Fader is visible. This is the default behavior of OTM.

  • False - Output Fader is hidden.



With this setting the used crossfade mixer - CrossfadeMixer version 2 or OnAIRTrackMixer - visualizes a sound file within two tracks in that way that begin and end of file near-overlap. This allows user to test fading.

Reference Path

(lightbulb)  "Local Settings|DBM|Crossfade|PropertyTwoTrack=TRUE"




This Parameter contains configurable Metadata that OTM will write for every recording (regardless of the recording mode). The format of the value is a list of XML segments.

Example: AudioString1

  • The admin is responsible for setting meaningful XML values and to spell them correctly according to the BCSTechManual. E.g. setting values that are critical to the BCS System (Time_Start, etc.) doesn't make any sense.

  • The parameter values are set on element creation and can be overwritten later on by the OTM.

  • As of version 2.2 it is possible to overwrite the "Title" field.


0, 1

This parameter defines the behavior of the zoom level.

0: As before, the zoom level is reset to the configured default value for NextTransition/PreviousTransition command.

1: The zoom level is retained for NextTransition/PreviousTransition command.



Enable the restart recording feature.


LogScale, LinearScale

Scale type of amplitude scale:

LogScale: Logarithmic scale.

LinearScale: Linear scale


NoTransitionChannels, Always, Never

This parameter controls if the Main-Element/Sub-Element button is shown in the Track Header:

  • NoTransitionChannels - the Button is shown if no Transition channels are configured in the BCS.

  • Always -  the Button is always visible.

  • Never - the Button is never visible.



Expand/collapse "Show Overview" pane at startup.

TRUE: The pane "Show Overview" is expanded at startup.

FALSE: The pane "Show Overview" is collapsed at startup.


0 .. 10 ..

A time in second which is only used by OnAIR TrackMixer. It is the time, the soundhead is positioned back if the user sets the LinkOut during playout by pressing LinkOut button.

Note: Invalid since DBM version 4.8.7372.0, use xml parameter DBM|OTMSettings instead.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "..|DigAIRange|Crossfade\" or "..|TurboPlayer|GUI|Windows|CFM|1"


MarkOut, MarkIn

  • MarkOut: Set the view to the MarkOut of the first element when a new transition is loaded. Set the soundhead to the left of the view if SoundheadPreroll is not used or set the soundhead according to the SoundheadPreroll if the parameter is used.

  • MarkIn: Set the view when a new transition is loaded to the Mark In of the second element. Set the soundhead to the MarkIn if SoundheadPreroll is not used or set the soundhead according to the SoundheadPreroll if the parameter is used.


Visible, Hidden, VisibleOutsideOfMarkInOut

Behavior of source waveform (without fading).

Volume changes such as fades/ducking are reflected at the waveform.

  • Hidden - The area before mark in and after mark out is completely hidden and fades/duckings reduce the height of the waveform. No gray waveform in the background.

  • Visible - New behavior: Gray waveform in the background of the entire audio. This is the default value.

  • VisibleOutsideOfMarkInOut - Behavior of CFM: Gray waveform before Mark-In and after Mark-Out. No gray waveform between Mark-In and Mark-Out.



Stop the playback of the audio when the changes are saved.

  • TRUE: Stop the playback.

  • FALSE: Continue the playback.


Default value: 150

Possible values: 0...100000

AttackOffset in milliseconds for StartNext-Autoducking.

The "AttackOffset" will be used together with the "AttackTime", the "AttackThreshold" and the "ThresholdTolerance" to detect the start of an audio segment in the recording.

  • The %AttackOffset% ms offset will compensate for internal delays by the detection logic with a default value of 150 ms.

  • The %AttackOffset% ms offset is not needed to compensate for the %AttackTime% ms offset.

  • The %AttackOffset% ms offset can also be used to further correct the detected start position of an audio segment in the recording to the left or the right in the timeline


Default: 2

Possible values: 2…4

Columns of buttons in track toolbar.
2: 2 columns of buttons with a height of 4 buttons.
3: 3 columns of buttons with a height of 3 buttons.
4: 4 columns of buttons with a height of 2 buttons.



Possible values: [class];[class];...

The main audio elements will be converted to sub audio elements, if the class is in this lis


Integer between 0 and 100

Default value: 30

Percentage criterion; audios shorter than this percentage of the longest loaded audio are set to "sub element" status during (semi-)automated flagging.


1, 2, 3, 4

Controls when audio elements are converted between main and sub elements. If transition channels are configured, this is the same as routing to main or transition channels.

1: Conversion runs after each change. The button in the control bar is hidden.

2: Conversion must be triggered manually by a click on the button in the control bar.

3: The button in the control bar toggles automatic conversion (like mode 1) on or off; initially automatic conversion is ON.

4: The button in the control bar toggles automatic conversion (like mode 1) on or off; initially automatic conversion is OFF.


  • In modes 3 and 4, the button indicates the ON or OFF state.

  • Depending on whether or not transition channels are configured, the button has different appearance in modes 2, 3, and 4.


Default, ForceOn, ForceOff

  • Default: The transition flagging logic respects class and length (as in release 2017.2.0)

  • ForceOn - OTM forcibly flags all recordings (identified by: Generator field equals "OTM" with Time_StartOnTransitionChannel=1. It also means recordings are always sub-elements and never main-elements.

  • ForceOff - OTM forcibly flags all recordings (identified by: Generator field equals "OTM" with Time_StartOnTransitionChannel=0



Only important elements in a transition are focused. Therefore a different visualization is applied for non-rundown elements that are not located in the middle of a transition.

Assuming a rundown that consists of several regular rundown elements and many transitions, it is key that OTM tries to load only a single transition. In order to not hide elements that are relative to the loaded rundown elements, but are not part of the transition currently being edited, these elements should also be loaded, but visualized differently.

  • TRUE - Activate feature

  • FALSE - Deactivate feature


TRUE, FALSE, Yes, No, 1, 0

With this flag you can declare a line to be a transition line. All elements belonging to a single transition can be played on this line. In other words: these elements are treated as a unit. The transition elements must be marked with the flag "Time_StartOnTransitionChannel". Enough channels must have been assigned to this line so that all elements of a transition which are intended to be played simultaneously can be played. For more information see TurboPlayer TechManual chapter "Concepts/Transition lines".

Although this parameter does not affect the way OTM works, it is important to understand its effect in relation to "sub elements". "Sub elements" are played out on transition channels if transition channels are correctly configured.

Reference Path

(lightbulb) "...|TurboPlayer|Lines|Line-<m>"


True, False

DBM-OTM parameters are defined within the OTMSettings parameter.

Use loop playback in OTM:

  • True: Use loop playback.

  • False: Do not use loop playback.



Enables OnAIR TrackMixer.

DBM V4: If not enabled, CrossfadeMixer will be used instead.

DBM V5: If not enabled, no crossfade tool is available

Reference Path

(lightbulb)  "Local Settings|DBM|Crossfade|UseOnAirTrackMixer=TRUE"


True, False, 1, 0

Switch between time / duration and real clock times:

  • TRUE - Show Start and Stop fields instead of Mark In and Mark Out fields.

  • Switch ruler to "Time Of Day" view.

  • FALSE - Show Mark In and Mark Out fields instead of Start and Stop fields.

  • Switch ruler to "Relative Times" view.


Symmetric1Channel, Half1Channel, Symmetric2Channel, Asymmetric2Channel, Half2Channel

DBM-OTM parameters are defined within the OTMSettings parameter.

Displayed waveform type in OTM:

  • Symmetric1Channel: 1 channel / symmetric

  • Half1Channel: 1 channel / half

  • Symmetric2Channel: 2 channels / symmetric

  • Asymmetric2Channel: 2 channels / asymmetric

  • Half2Channel: 2 channels /half




The vertical zoom level in dB, which is applied to the waveform if activated.

If the value is "0.0" then the toggle button is not shown.



Determines the initial state of the "waveform offset" toggle button:

  • FALSE - waveform offset is off

  • TRUE - waveform offset is on



Color of the zero position indicator line.


True, False

Show the vertical indicator line at the zero position. The parameter has effect only if you work with relative times.


Soundhead, ViewArea

Default center position for zoom action:

Soundhead: Zoom to Soundhead (Shift+Scrollwheel, ZoomButton);

Zoom to view area (CTRL+Zoom Button/Ctrl+Shift+Scrollwheel)

ViewArea: Zoom to view area (Shift+Scrollwheel, ZoomButton);

Zoom to Soundhead (CTRL+ZoomButton/Ctrl+Shift+Scrollwheeel)

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