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Introduction to Content Manager

Browse, edit, preview and manage your DigaSystem content directly from your favorite browser with Content Manager. With a few clicks you can forward content to various endpoints, including Apple FinalCut Pro, Adobe Premiere, MultiTrack Editor and DigAiRange. Like all DPE applications, Content Manager is supported on all three major browsers: Chrome, Edge and Firefox. 

Content Manager Areas

Application Menu

The Application Menu can be used to navigate between the Content Manager, Subclip Editor, RoughCut Edit, Reports, Admin and System Monitor, given that the user has sufficient rights. 

See Working with DPE Web Applications

User Menu

From the User Menu, the current user can sign out, change their password, go to Help section for information on feature and configuration know-how.

The User menu area also contains the Help menu and progress indicators for file uploads and started workflows.

See Working with DPE Web Applications

Table Area

Tables contain entries or rather content. If a table is selected, its entries appear in the Entry Area.

See Working with Tables , Viewing and Editing Entry Metadata, Copying Entries to Another Table and Right-Click Context Menu .

Faceted Search

The Faceted Search can be used to filter entries according to their modified time, state, class, readiness, validity etc. The number of entries fitting the current or potential search can also be seen here.

See Finding Entries

Entry area

The Entry Area is the home of all the entries in a selected table. Entries can be sorted with filters and groups, found with the search bar and deleted.

See Creating an Entry , Deleting an Entry , Understanding Classes , Understanding Loudness , Working in Thumbnail View

Group area

Entries can be organised into various groups by the user. The content of a selected group is displayed in the Group Area.

See Working with Stories and Groups

Details area

In the Details Area additional metadata can be displayed and edited. For audio, video and image files a preview of the entry is also available.

See Viewing and Editing Entry Metadata , Exporting and Importing Entries , Audio and Video Preview players and Recording an Audio in CM

Top menu

The Top Menu can be used to forward selected entries to plugins or start customized workflows. With plugins, entry content can be used by desktop applications, such as FinalCut Pro, Adobe Premiere, MultiTrackEditor, DigAiRange and MCL Player.

See Opening Entries in External Applications and Starting Workflows and Printing an Entry

Hiding and Expanding Areas

Each the Table Area, Faceted Search and the Details Area can be hidden for better view of the Entry Area.

  1. Click the [x] button on the top right corner of either tab. Corresponding areas minimize to a vertical panel bar.

  2. To expand the areas, click on the panel bar


The name of the selected table is displayed in the vertical area bar, if the table view is hidden.

Navigating Content Manager without a Mouse

See Using Keyboard Shortcuts

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