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Product Lifecycle

EOP = End Of Production (not sold any more, removed from price list)

EOL = End Of Life (not supported anymore)


New / Changed in this Release

EOP reached

EOL reached (now or even earlier)

Product lifecycle overview

Product Version





Active Directory Integration 1.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

Active Directory Integration 2.x

SQL based full-text Index within

  • DigaSQL.dll 3.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

Elasticsearch based full-text Index within

  • DigaSQL.dll 3.x and DPE Services 1.x / 2.x

Support of DigaSystem databases on Oracle SQL server

May 2021

May 2023

MS SQL and mySQL Server database, see also Supported Databases

Content Management

Database Manager 4.x

May 2018

May 2020

Database Manager 5.x

Collection tables within

  • Database Manager 5.x

  • DigaSQL.dll 3.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

DPE 1.x, containing

  • Management Services 1.x,

  • Workflow Admin v1.x

  • Content Manager 1.x

  • Subclip Editor 1.x

  • RoughCut Edit 1.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

DPE 2.x containing

Media Production Audio

DigaBurn 2.x

Nov. 2016

Nov. 2018

MultiCoder 3.x

May 2021

May 2023

Enterprise Recording Services
ROAD Backend and ROAD Clients

SingleTrack Editor v7.x,
EasyTrack Editor v7.x,
MultiTrack Editor v7.x

Jan. 2023

Jan. 2025

SingleTrack Editor v8.x,
EasyTrack Editor v8.x,
MultiTrack Editor v8.x

Media Production Video

DigaBurnDVD 2.x

Nov. 2016

Nov. 2018

Endpoint Manager Final Cut Pro 7

Dec. 2022

Dec. 2023

Endpoint Manager Adobe Premiere Pro

DigaBurnDVD 2.x

Nov. 2016

Nov. 2018

DigaIngesterPro 2.x

May 2018

May 2020

DigaClipPlayer 2.x

May 2018

May 2020

Workflow Framework

Workflow System 1.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

Workflow System 2.x

Audio Processor 1.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

Audio Processor 2.x

Loudness Processor 1.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

Loudness Processor 2.x

Utility Processor 1.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

Utility Processor 2.x

Video Processor 1.x

Nov. 2019

Nov. 2021

Video Processor 2.x


OnAIR TrackMixer 1.x

Nov. 2017

Nov. 2019

OnAIR TrackMixer 2.x

BCS 5.x

May 2022

May 2024

BCS 6.x

BUS 5.x

May 2022

May 2024

BUS 6.x

DigAIRange 5.x

May 2022 

May 2024

DigAIRange 6.x

TurboPlayer 5.x

May 2022 

May 2024

TurboPlayer 6.x

BCS Service 3.5.x

May 2022 

May 2024

BCS Service 6.x

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